Data-Driven Management

Management is what allows a business to plan, organize, direct, and control their processes.  If a business doesn’t do all these things, there is a smaller chance for long-term success down the road.  Using a data-driven approach to management allows for working smarter, not harder. Let’s imagine a company that doesn’t manage well.  It doesn’t plan, it doesn’t have goals, a mission, or even target demographic or industry served.  With no preparation for the future,

Versatility in Equipment

It’s been said that landscaping was invented by snow professionals as something to do during the off season.  And maybe that’s us down the road, but at the moment, we’re still a snow-only company. The challenge for us is figuring out what to do with all our equipment during the off season.   The problem is, a good chunk of it is highly specialized to perform one task only!  Aside from my truck, nearly everything

2018-2019 Season Recap

I’m calling it — winter in Philadelphia is officially over, barring any major changes in the long range forecast. We don’t see that happening, however; the forecasts only show rising temperatures from here on out. Looking back on the season, let’s see how we did. November 15th was our biggest snow storm, bringing over 4″ of snow to the Philadelphia region, most of it unanticipated. December saw next to no snow at all, and January

Bagged to Bulk: Making the Switch

We’ve been a snow-only company from the start.  What this really means is that we have other jobs as well.  My father bought a used Jeep in 1973 that came with a plow, and he began plowing on the side.  And the apples haven’t fallen far from the tree. When we’re not plowing, my siblings and I are telecom project managers, school teachers, web designers, students, and stay at home moms.   This seasonal aspect

Priority Snow Removal

Hope you all enjoyed the recent snowfall we got overnight on Saturday into Sunday morning. As on any weekend storm, getting the walks and parking lots cleared out at our church sites received top priority. Within a few hours after the snow ended, our crews were finishing up at over a dozen churches. After that, our focus turned to the rest of our clients, including 24/7 healthcare facilities, commercial storefronts, apartment buildings, and individual residences.

Merry Christmas 2018

We are thankful for our team, customers, friends, and family. From all of us at Suburban Snow Plow, wishing everyone a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Early Season Snow!

Yesterday was a doozy.  Philadephia and much of Eastern and Central PA received an rare, massive early season snow.  Our customers in Philadelphia and SE Montgomery County expected to receive a coating up to an inch in places.  This was to be followed up by an even longer period of sleet and freezing rain, and then washed away by a long rain.  Ha!  Instead, we saw heavy snow intermixed with smaller periods of sleet and

Have you selected a reputable snow removal service yet?

Have you selected a reputable snow removal service yet?  Winter weather is quickly approaching! Weather Works wrote yesterday about a possible late-week storm bringing the possibility of snowfall just to the north of the Philadelphia region.  We’ll continue to monitor this weather activity and keep you posted. Then, NBC10 meteorologist Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz issued his long-range winter forecast for the 2018-2019 snow season.  The El Nino, North Atlantic  Oscillation, and even the amount of Eurasian snowfall in

Sidewalk Operations

Sidewalk operations are an essential component of full-service snow removal. But they haven’t always been this way.  According to this year’s Snow Business State of the Industry survey, respondents cited sidewalk operations as one of the biggest operational challenges, second only to workforce retention.  Historically, however, sidewalks have played second fiddle to plowing operations for multiple reasons.  At Suburban Snow Plow, sidewalk operations play a critical role in our game plan.  In this article, we’ll

SSP Receives First New Western Wide-Out

The new Wide-Outs are here!  This week we picked up our first new Western Wide-Out for the 2018-2019 winter season.  This is a monster of a plow, weighing in at over 1000 lbs.  It has a taller (31″) mouldboard than previous years’ models, flared wings, and extra reinforcement all around.  And because it uses Western’s UltraMount 2 system, a single person can attach it to the truck in under a minute. We like Wide-Outs because of

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