Have you selected a reputable snow removal service yet? Winter weather is quickly approaching!
Weather Works wrote yesterday about a possible late-week storm bringing the possibility of snowfall just to the north of the Philadelphia region. We’ll continue to monitor this weather activity and keep you posted.

Then, NBC10 meteorologist Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz issued his long-range winter forecast for the 2018-2019 snow season. The El Nino, North Atlantic Oscillation, and even the amount of Eurasian snowfall in October factor in. Analyzing these various global indicators, his verdict is a cold and snowy winter season.

They’re not the only ones looking at the weather. At Suburban, we take weather very seriously, using multiple various sources and computer models. We even offer advance weather warnings sent via SMS text message straight to your phone.
Reputable snow removal includes much more than just a guy with a plow. How does your snow removal service stack up? Give us a call at 1-866-600-PLOW or request a proposal today!